Leadership During a Crisis

Calm, clear-headed leadership during a crisis sets the tone for your organization. It may seem natural to go into “command and control” mode but T4G suggests these three concepts for a balanced approach.

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Crisis Presents in Many Forms

A “crisis” can be defined as a “time of intense difficulty, trouble, or danger”. For non-profits, a crisis could be employee wrongdoing (such as fraud), financial challenges like layoffs, a natural disaster or even high-profile issues that affect a board member that may reflect on your organization.

Top 3 Crisis Leadership Ideas

In this podcast, T4G provides thoughts on crisis leadership that will bolster your executive presence and plan for a positive outcome during a time of crisis.

  • Be Present - what should “executive presence” look like during a crisis?

  • Calm Communication - swift logistical and communication plans - what should they contain to be most effective?

  • Practice Judgement - what and how to share information.

    *Listen to the podcast for more details and ideas.

 Leadership during a crisis is critical.

Transcend4Good offers coaching to individuals and teams for clarity and long-term positive transformation. We have supportive packages for crisis management for CEOs and Boards.
Click here to learn more about our coaching programs.

Contact us to start the conversation.

Chris Dockter