Timely Succession Planning - What, When and Why?

Over the past several years, a number of studies have explored the demographic shifts affecting the nonprofit sector. The findings estimate that 50 to 75 percent of current nonprofit executive directors/ceo's/presidents will move on from their positions within the next five years.

At Transcend4Good, we're encouraging boards and leaders to resist being overcome with panic during these strange times and instead to use this opportunity to talk frankly about leadership.  More than anything this crisis has highlighted "what got you here won't get you there".  Thoughtful succession planning is not a vote of no confidence in your current leader; it is a statement about solid governance and good planning. 

Types of Succession Planning

Effective succession planning increases the likelihood that your nonprofit will have the strong leadership required to increase an organization’s capacity, effectiveness, long-term stability, and sustainability.

We can think about succession planning in three categories:

  • CEO/Executive Director

  • Board Leadership

  • Founder

Each of these categories brings a unique set of considerations along with it and often, let’s be honest, a push for courage to just start the conversation. This podcast will explore the CEO/Executive Director category.

Executive Succession Planning

  • Emergency Succession Planning - this is the process that is in place if the CEO suddenly departs permanently or for an extended period (for example, longer than three months).

  • Departure-Defined Success Planning - a process that is in place for a future planned retirement or permanent departure of the CEO.

  • Strategic Leader Development - a process that promotes ongoing leadership development for talent within the organization.

Listen as we discuss these areas as well as what role the board, current executive and staff play in this process. We will help you focus on key questions that should be considered. Here are a few:

  • If your CEO is suddenly unable to serve, or retires, have you identified candidates for the job?

  • Would your organization be able to sustain a decline in income or fundraising activities without the CEO?

  • Does the board have the right mix of talent to effectively hire a new CEO? Would your organization hire a recruiter? If so, is there available funding for this activity?

*See the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s monographs on executive transitions and next-generation leadership, CompassPoint Nonprofit Services and The Meyer Foundation’s Daring to Lead studies, Bridgespan’s “Leadership Deficit” monograph, and GEO’s Investing in Leadership publications, among others. 

 Don’t know where to start?

Transcend4Good works with clients to create succession plans for every part of your nonprofit organization - executive, board and founder. Planning now ensures the necessary leadership for long-term stability and success.

Contact us to start the conversation.

Chris Dockter